Tuesday 20 December 2011

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy, Healthy And Prosperous 2012.


  1. After trailing through many web pages I was more than happy to find your blog page. I have a Jolly sailor doll in my possesion (handed down through the family). I would like to know a bit more as it`s not a cruise ship but a famous Royal Navy battleship HMS Rodney, launched in 1933. Was there many made for the Royal Navy? Or was it a one off? And are the Navy ones rarer (is that a word?)? Yours sincerly Jim.

  2. Hello Jim,
    Thank you for your comment. I am afraid without your email I have had to answer here. The Jollyboy sailors are the most found of Norah Wellings Dolls at one stage they were making 100,000 a year for the yearly Navy Week and the Aldershot Tattoo. They were also made for Cruise Ships . The hat bands had all the different names of the ships on them both Navy Ships and Cruise Ships. The dolls range in sizes from 7 to 36 inches with the 8 to 10 inch ones being the most found. I am hoping to write an article soon on the Sailors so keep watching.If you would like to send me a photo of your doll I might be able to tell you more about it. Just email me at norahwellingsjournal@gmail.com Thank you once again
    Kind Regards
