Monday, 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Norah Wellings Golly

                                The Elusive Norah Wellings 'Golly'

The Norah Wellings  'Golly'  is model 135 and he was first introduced around 1931, he was in an undated catalogue of possibly the same year and he also appeared in a 1933 to 1934 catalogue. A photograph from the 1933 British Industry Fair shows three gollys but the photo is not clear. There is no sign of him in the 1936 catalogue or indeed ever again. Very rare to find with his production only spanning over 3 years. The catalogue images are very hard to see but he appears to be made of velvet with similar stipe trousers that 'Sammy' the Black Islander wore. He was made in 4 sizes A 11", B 12 1/2", C 15 1/2" and D 20 1/2".

Catalogue photograph above from the 1933/34 catalogue

Photograph from the British Industry Fair 1933 showing three Golly Dolls.

I have not yet found a Norah Wellings Golly with a label but two have crossed my path who I believe are Norah Wellings . One I bought about 20 years ago with his jacket missing and another Daniel Agnew very kindly allowed me to share with you that he bought last year. As I say neither have labels but  I feel sure they are Norah Wellings but it would be wonderful if any of you have one out there with a label that you wouldn't mind sharing so I can add to this article. If you do please email me at

Thank You Daniel for sharing your wonderful Golly He is in great condition, smaller size with googly type glass eyes, felt mouth and mohair wig. He wears a velvet tail jacket with velvet trousers and top, both an integral part of his body.

Golly bought  years ago and now resides with a Very Dear Friend, larger size not in very good condition and missing his jacket but you can see how he compares to Daniels. Also note that the hands on both have all the fingers defined .

Please check out any Golly Dolls you may have and please email me if it is a Norah Wellings or you think it might be as I would love to see it. Thank you